Great Tips for Playing Darts!
Everyone has their own unique way to throw darts when playing with friends or competitively. There is no right way or wrong way to throw darts but everyone does have certain qualities in common when playing. The qualities that would be similar are: stance, grip, aim and release. I am going to share with you a few great tips you can make your own when playing the game of darts!
Find the right darts:
Finding the right dart for you is key with any player whether they are playing for fun or competing with others. Get to know what style of dart you like whether it is soft or steel tip then you can find all the small details you prefer. Weight, length, design and grip are the most essential when choosing the dart best for you! A good beginning dart would be a smaller gram weight, 18-20, as you get used to the lighter weight you can switch to a heavier dart if you choose. It is all about trial and error when it comes to choosing the best dart for you.
How to stand while playing:
Most players like to stand with their leading foot turned sideways towards the throw line. After positioning your foot, lean forward slightly but not too far as you will lose your balance. By leaning slightly you position yourself closer to the board. When you feel you are positioned properly keep yourself as still as possible.
Aiming your dart:
Line your body up with the target on the board and imagine there is a straight line going from the target to your body. You should stand directly where the line would hit the center of your body to best line yourself up for the throw. After lining your body up correctly with the board, aim the dart straight from the center of your body like you would a gun if you were shooting it.
Handling pressure:
Once you have your aim, stance and darts all set up, you have to remember one of the most important lessons! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself! The more pressure you put on yourself while throwing, the less likely you are to hit the board at all. Letting your nerves get the best of you can cause you to throw faster resulting in lost rhythm and you can lose grip easier as well.
After successfully conquering all of these qualities it is now time to start playing like a champion!
Until next time.