Prodigy PX-3-500 Putt & Approach Disc - Will Schusterick 2022 Signature Series PY-PX3-500-SIG-WS
Rating: Ranking 1Ranking 2Ranking 3Ranking 4Ranking 5
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Manufacturer: Prodigy Disc Golf

Limited supply, 1 left in stock. Speed: 3 Glide: 4 Turn: 0 Fade: 2.5

The PX-3 is an overstable, beaded putter that will help players throw accurate, consistent shots. It resists turning over at high speeds and glides forward before a predictable overstable finish kicks in at the end of its flight. The PX-3 has a larger bead than the PA-3 and is useful for both throwing and putting.

  • Diameter: 21.0 cm
  • Height: 1.9 cm
  • Rim Depth: 1.4 cm
  • Rim Width: 1.0 cm
  • Min Weight: 170 g
  • Max Weight: 174 g
  • Stability: Overstable
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Prodigy PX-3-500 Putt & Approach Disc - Will Schusterick 2022 Signature Series Reviews
    • Reviewed By: Cade Jul 24, 2022
    • Rating: Ranking 1Ranking 2Ranking 3Ranking 4Ranking 5
    • I've heard about Prodigy Discs, nice product. I had no idea that Will Schusterick had endorsed a product? ??
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