
Darts Blog

April 20, 2009

I have been asked many times...."Tony, if the toeline is wide, do I stand on it or behind it?"  My answer to that question is always -  "It depends upon what type of line was used!"

If the toe line is a raised oche, the proper distance is me sured to the back side of the oche. The back side is the side furthest from the dartboard where the persons foot will rest against it. Players are not allowed to stand on the oche.


If the toe line is a length of tape or other flat type of mark on the floor of a noticeable width, the correct distance is measured to the front side of the mark. The front side is the side of the toe line closest to the dartboard. In this case, the player is allowed to stand on but not over the line.







Until Next Time!

Recommended Products: 
GLD Quiver™ Dart Shafts or the Bottelsen Hammer Head Dart Wrench with Key Ring Hole

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Name:   Hank Y.
Date:    04/29/09
Response: I use Velcro for my toe line and it works great!  I recommend trying it if you need something quick and easy.



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